Tuesday, 28 March 2017


This evening I went out with Josh to film the next part to my music video, we jet again used outside shots but this time we did it in the dark, we used soft lights to help us light the scene.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

My next steps

- Film night shots of josh
- Film the shots of Bethany
- Finish off CD cover and back
-Edit lip syncing in my video

Focus group

I showed my edited video to my class, I then asked for feedback from them all. The feedback I got was mostly positive. Many of them said the video flowed well and they liked the lighting effects and setting aswell as the camera angles, especially the shot which pans around the bottles. The criticism I got was that the lip syncing was half a second out in some places and I need to add some shots of my female characters at the beginning of my video.

Most of my footage edited together for the start of my video

analysis of image for the back of my album

I am going to use this image for the back of my album, I am still sticking with the religious aspect by having the cathedral in Barcelona, I like how it gives the same golden glow as the image on the front does. Im going to square off the image to the size off a CD and I'm going to have my track list in  a white font going down the centre of the image.

Image for the back of my album

Track list

For my track list on the back of my album cover I have used lyrics from songs from bands such as Bastille, Kasbian, Oasis and Arctic Monkeys. The reason I have taken them from these artists is because they are all from the indie rock genre. I have picked twelve songs for my album because most albums consist of around 10-15 songs.

Track list-
-Dirty Tricks
-Faded lights
-You're gonna kill us all
-Unmade plans
-What about angels
-Saturday 3pm
-Tea & toast

Analysis of my album cover

This image was going to be the one to be put on my album cover but after experimenting with it I discovered it wasn't as unique as I wanted it to be, this is why I changed it to the grid image of the numbers, the reason I picked that photo is because it is very unique to any of the other images I have taken and purely it looks more like an album cover than any other images I have taken. The reason I have called it FURTY3 is because it is very obscure and is eye catching. If you saw it in the shop you would look twice because you notice that thirty-three isn't spelt correctly, this would make you go over to the album and pick it up.

Original album cover

Analysis of my set

For my set I used a sofa, a small table, a coffee table, rug and empty bottles of alcohol. The set is symbolising the aftermath of a party which links to the lyrics. I have set it out as a part of a typical house party which most teenagers experience between the ages of 16-25, this is great because this is my target audience so they can link to the song because a majority of them will have been to a house party before. I collected my empty bottles from the bar that I work at, I brought the rug from home and I borrowed the tables and the sofa from the school library which I politely asked to use.

My set

Friday, 3 March 2017

Planning for filming (Barcelona)

Tomorrow I am off on a school trip to Barcelona and fortunately my main character for my music video is coming along. We are going to many locations in Barcelona which are very stunning, one which stands out the most is Park guell. Park guell is located in the centre of Barcelona and features many colourful plants and mosaic patterned features. I plan to get some tracking shots whilst in Barcelona and experiment to see if they can fit into my music video. I shouldn't have any limitations on my filming in Barcelona because I will have a lot of free time and the weather will be much better than it currently is in England.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Evaluation of Jamie C shots

In these shots I have used Jamie to play the son of the prostitute. I have linked these shots to the lyrics of the song 'What would you do if your son was at home crying all alone'. I have used adverts from websites such as NSPCC for inspiration as many of there adverts feature extremely innocent looking children and that is what I have tried to achieve in these shots. My favourite shot of Jamie is the last shot when he looks up into the camera because it looks as if he is crying out for help and wants his mum home. I have used the shot of Jamie throwing the tennis ball against the kitchen cupboard to show boredom and poverty. He is bored because he is forever at home whilst his mum is out working and only has a tennis ball because his mum cant afford for him to watch TV or play video games which a child of that young age would normally do. My setting for this was a small kitchen at school. The reason I have used this kitchen is because it is very bare, dated and dirty like you would imagine for someone living in poverty. It also looks extremely cold and dull. All these factors make you feel even more sorry for the little boy sitting on the floor.


This week I was able to collect props for my music video. I collect around 15 empty alcohol bottles for my shots with Bethany and Josh and was also able to get a lamp for my outdoor shots. My plan now is to find a sofa for my shots with Bethany and Josh.


I have organized my actors and have planned a time table for filming. I plan to shoot my shots with Bethany and Rebekah on Thursday 16th of March and I plan to shoot my shots with Bethany and Josh on Wednesday the 22nd of March. I will then use the rest of my time before half term to edit my footage.